
Standardization accelerates value creation

Skrevet av Standard Norge | 22.sep.2022 11:31:38

At the standardization session at this years ONS, operators, contractors, standards developers and regulators discussed ongoing industry collaborations and new standardization activities in relation to the energy transition. Learn what the key takeaways from the discussion were in the video below.  

Stavanger, 30th August 2022

- I think we had a really good session today at ONS. What we wanted to achieve, and I think we did achieve it, was to give the audience a flavor of some of the big developments that are going on in our industry; to improve efficiency and reduce cost, while maintaining quality and safety in our industry, Philip Smedley, BP Exploration, Advisor Structural Engineering, ISO/TC67 Standards Committee Chair. 

- If you do things together and have harmonized solutions in standards, then it really can bring you a cost efficiency and of course an efficiency in the work you are doing, Françoise van den Brink, NEN, ISO/TC67 Standards Committee Manager. 

- We are continuing to develop standards, which the whole industry will implement. Only then, we can standardize, industrialize, and bring out value in relation to cost efficiency, safety and reliable operation, Per-Arne Røstadsand, Equinor, Project Manager. 

How are standards important for the oil and gas industry?  

 - The focus in the future is around quality and trying to be more dynamic. Traditionally, these standards were produced as paper copies and would fill up a bookshelf. Now we have them as PFD-copies. We have opportunities now to work more dynamically with the content of our standards. Wecan get rid of some problems we have at interfaces between standards. We can also feed back data from our industries into the standards. If we can get information back from the suppliers and the users of products, then we can refine, in an equally safe but more efficient way, how we develop those things in the future, says Philip Smedley. 

- Things are happening in the future; things will change towards the future. What you see now from the oil and gas industry is that they are really stepping towards the energy transition, they are already involved in that. I think this is good, because the operators from the oil and gas industry need to step forward and say what the energy needs will be in the future, and say what can be done from the knowledge and expertise from the oil and gas industry. They can also express, what new developments may be, and what can be made possible from the oil and gas industry. An example is CCS, and the production of hydrogen, says Françoise van den Brink. 

- Standards Norway's Sector Board has started to lead its members from the oil and gas industry into the field of low carbon and new energy. In this context, it is important to develop common standards. In the shift of this industry, we must become more similar to other industries and not continue in the old patterns of the oil and gas industry, in order to make it possible, to carry out the standardization to the extent we want, and to which the whole society expects this industry to do, says Per-Arne Røstadsand. 

What will be your focus in the future?

- I do think they are fundamental to our industry and every industry. They give you that guarantee that things have meet a certain standard. It is really important in our industry in particular, because the microscope is on our industry to prove that we are designing, building and operation to a high quality, and that people’s lives and people’s assets are not in danger, says Philip Smedley. 

- In order to make the oil and gas industry more similar to other industries, and to avoid the company-based attitudes which this industry has had in the past. Therefore, we have to use and reunite around the use of standards, in order to give predictability to suppliers in the oil and gas industry. Then, they can standardize and industrialize their products and deliveries to a lager extent in relation to safety, reliability and cost efficiency, says Per-Arne Røstadsand. 

- The oil and gas industry is an energy on its own, a specific industry. Therefore, it is needed that the stakeholders from the oil and gas industry is working together and that they make sure, the things they do are done in the right way, technically, process-wise and safety wise, says Françoise van den Brink.

What has been the highlight for you at ONS this year?

- The first session I went to. It was a session with a number of experts talking about how they see the near time future, with the spike we have got right now with the war in Russia and the spike in energy prices, says Philip Smedley. 

- It was my first time at ONS. For me, an important takeaway is good sessions, says Françoise van den Brink. 

- When you walk the halls at the trade fair, it is overwhelming to see all the great companies which contribute to this industry. The involvement around this industry is what impresses me the most, says Per-Arne Røstadsand. 


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